What is my contribution to a homebound Burning Man community?

I chose to create a piece which I am calling “Fishing For Spring”. This was inspired by the fisherman who come to visit the trout stream beginning in April when the season opens. It is a sign of spring here and has been a nice reminder of the beautiful earth we live on, even with all that is going on in the world right now. It might not be as interactive as the ones at burning man!

Materials used:

Q-tips, cardboard, a stick, a string, blue burlap

Crafting supplies:

Hot glue gun, scissors, Chibitronics kit


Final Instructions:

  1. Lay out the LED’s and the copper tape on the cardboard
  2. Hot glue the burlap over the circuit
  3. Cut two Q-tips to half size
  4. Glue three full size Q-tips to create the body and legs and the half size Q-tips for the arms.
  5. Bend the legs in order for the man to sit
  6. Cut out three small pieces of cardboard and glue onto the bank to make a bench
  7. Glue the fisherman onto the bench and glue his feet down
  8. Glue the fishing pole in between the fisherman’s hands
  9. Tie the string to the fishing pole and place it onto the stream
  10. Light up the LED’s!!

Overall, my project went as planned. I am not a very artistic person so I just did my best to make the most of it! I had to make a few minor changes such as cutting the Q-tips to make his arms as well as adding a bench made out of the cardboard for the fisherman to sit on when it was proving too difficult to make him stand. If I was more familiar with Chibitronics, I would also like to make the fish light up at different times instead of all at once. This would give more of a jumping effect.

3 thoughts on “What is my contribution to a homebound Burning Man community?”

  1. Cassie – the q-tips had me at hello! I was really intrigued by the way you got them to stand up using the bench. This project also had an underlying meaning to you…and that added another dimension. These meaningful projects are so important and the fact that it symbolizes summer (especially in these times) makes it absolutely precious!

    Very nice work!

    1. Lee,
      One of our favorite signs of spring is when the fisherman begin stopping by asking for access to the trout stream. We enjoy watching them utilize the stream so we always say yes! Thanks for checking out my project.

  2. This project took a lot of thought and planning. I was happy to be able to come up with something that had meaning and overall I think my vision worked out well. I really enjoyed the many different angles that everyone took on this project. So much freedom to express your imagination!

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