What was my process for “tuning up” my blog?

To get my blog looking visually appealing and user friendly I mostly spent time tinkering. I find that when it comes to most computer related things I do best when I simply click tabs and play around with it. I spent hours trying to set a background image and it turned out so badly that I don’t think anyone even tried reading my first blog post it was such a mess!! Since then I have decided a simple background is better for readability.

I have watched the tutorial video’s as well as googled a few different things to help figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I figured out how to create separate pages for things like my Arduino projects however I have hit a roadblock when it comes to separating my posts into the pages I want them in.

I am still trying to figure out how to categorize things, as well as how to get my twitter feed on my blog. I know several other classmates have had that problem and have figured it out so I am looking forward to checking out how they got it to work! I can’t believe the amount of time I have spent on my blog and it doesn’t even look like it!

~ Cassie

1 thought on “What was my process for “tuning up” my blog?”

  1. Cassie,
    I tuned up my blog in a similar fashion to you. I also just played around and clicked different things until I got it looking the way I wanted. I agree that keeping a simple background improves readability.
    On my Arduino page, everything is lumped together on one page and there doesn’t seem to be an option for posts on that particular page. Did you run into that with yours as well?
    I think you did a great job with your page and I really like the bright colors you chose.

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